my mind is filled with cataclysm and apocalypse.
i wish for earthquakes, eruptions, flood.
private & highly selective
Codie Mohren
of original lore
written by king.
21+ ONLY.



This is an independent, selective, and private roleplay blog for an original character. All original lore is of my own creation, I am not affiliated with Kaylee Bryant or any of the content she creates. Please do not take any of the lore I've created for this character and the OCs affiliated with Codie!Current affiliated OCs:
- Murphy Reed (@irafatum)
- Devon McCormick (@silencedrage)
- Jordan Halloway (@deathconjurer)
- Asdriel Barlow (@vrake)
- Kai Blackwell (@vrake)
- Declan McCormick (@withinthefallen)
- Jac Yang (@silencedrage)
- Beatrice Wen (@wiitchblood)
- London Tamaki (@wiitchblood)
- April Castle (@wiitchblood)
- Idrunia, god of literature & fate (@wiitchblood)
I am heavily plotting focused. To write with me, you must plot something out with me. That doesn't mean it has to be extensive or anything, we just need a general jumping off point. No winging it!


My name is King, and I’m 31 years old. I use she/her pronouns. I will only write with muns that are 21 and over, please respect this.I’ve been formally diagnosed with a myriad of mental illnesses, and am also neurodivergent. Please be patient with me and know that if I don’t respond to things immediately, it’s never you!Just a quick reminder here that out of character hate & drama will NOT be tolerated under any circumstances.


Please do not reblog my original content. This includes any writing threads, drabbles, graphics, headcanon posts or any out of character posts. However, you are more than welcome to send questions about my character or send asks to chat with me out of character!


I only write with mutuals. Non-mutuals liking my starter calls or replying to open starters will result in a block. Please do not spam follow me or message me if I haven't followed you back or responded.I'll be unlikely to follow if there isn't at least basic information available. I always read those several times and reference them often, especially when writing with OCs.I will unfollow for spamming the dash. I like to have my dash rather clean, so this includes untagged ooc posts or just a large amount of them in general. Untagged nsfw will result in an unfollow, as well.I will not roleplay with OCs that are siblings or relatives of canon characters that haven't been established. The only exception to this rule is when it comes to people I know and trust. Under no circumstances will an exception be made for siblings or twins of Hope.


I make use of small text, bold, and italics. I won't write with people who screenshot replies and use images for their text. If you need a reply to not be small text, let me know and I'll change it for you.Feel free to use memes as an icebreaker. This absolutely includes shipping memes if you're so inclined. I'll also always use memes as a starter that you can continue, so if something strikes your fancy and you'd like to make a full blown thread out of it, please go ahead!


My blogs are meant to be a safe escape from my real life. I need to be able to have a place away from politics, social issues, and drama. This does not mean that I do not care about said issues, just that I’d rather not have this be the place where they are discussed.Any and all bullying or suicide baiting will result in a hard block.If something you see here makes you uncomfortable or harms you, you are more than welcome to soft or hard block me. I’m aware that I may write things that others find triggering or squicky, so please protect yourselves as best as possible! I would much prefer that everyone keep themselves safe.


I am very open to shipping with Codie, but she has a main ship that will be the default in a verse where we're not plotting a romantic connection. However, just because I am open to shipping with her does not mean I would want to jump into a ship immediately. IC and OOC chemistry are preferred, but I’m definitely open to talking things out to see where things go!If we write a ship, if it suddenly devolves into just fluff ( or smut for that matter ), I can promise you I will lose all interest. It's nothing against you or your characters personally, I just get bored when there's no conflict or something for the characters to work towards with adversity getting in their way.


My personal triggers are heavy mentions of religion, religious iconography, end of the world / the rapture, and things of that nature. Please tag these if we're mutuals, without censoring it, as it avoids my blacklist.Demons and possession are usually the only things that I am open to exploring so long as I have the ability to back out of it whenever possible, and this will often only be with close friends.NSFW may happen in memes, but I prefer not to write explicit smut at all on the dash and nsfw threads will solely be on DISCORD. Memes are fine, but I will not continue a nsfw meme as a thread unless it's on discord.


For my own mental health, I won't follow or interact with muses from the following fandoms unless I have known them for some time: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Walking Dead. I will also softblock OCs with antichrist or heavily religious (Christian-based) themes.


I know these are lengthy and in depth rules, but they’re there for my peace of mind and to make sure you know thoroughly what you’re getting into. Please be aware that I’m not as harsh as I come off. I understand being intimidated with newer people, and I can be as well, but please always feel free to approach me with anything. I can be slow to respond to both IMs and Discord messages, but I will always try to get around to them.If you read these and decide to not follow for whatever reason, I still wish you all the best.



Players that are prioritized for shipping, plots, and all verse interactions. Usually added after developing OOC communications and comfort. Limit 3 per character & added by request. I will still absolutely write with other people who play these same characters!..Denotes Ship Exclusivity..
Ship exclusives are ships that have been heavily developed and discussed. Platonic relationships may still be explored with characters who I have ship exclusives with.


  • founderscouncil

  • silencedrage

  • sevenswcrds

  • thefiercetm


The only version of this character that I will write with, no exceptions. These are subject to change and can be added by request, but I reserve all right to say no. Very rare & crossover only.


Basic Information

NAMEcodie mohren
ALIAS(ES)code, codes
SPECIEShybrid; werewolf corrupted by magic
GENDERcis woman
BIRTHPLACEappalachia, unknown
BIRTHDATEapril 12th
FAMILYentirely estranged family
FACECLAIMkaylee bryant

Mental Information

ALIGNMENTchaotic neutral
PHOBIASdarkness, being consumed entirely by her magic
DISORDERSc-ptsd, religious trauma syndrome, tba
POSITIVE TRAITSoptimistic, insightful, loyal, curious, strong leader
NEGATIVE TRAITSnaive, impulsive, insecure, too forgiving

Physical Information

HEIGHT5'7" ft
WEIGHT125 lbs
HAIR COLORdark brown
EYE COLORdark brown
BODY BUILDectomorph, lithe and can sometimes appear frail
FEATURESlarge burn scar across her torso, her entire upper body is covered in black scars as a result of her corruption by magic; they wrap around her arms completely, cover her back and show on the tops of her thighs at her hips before fading into her skin
STYLEtends to dress in whatever she can find and whatever is comfortable; prefers loose clothing and skirts over pants; favors bright clothing and greens

Misc. Information

LIKESsitting quietly in the forest meditating, too strong coffee, being barefoot
DISLIKESbeing controlled, forced into violence, imprisonment
HABITS/QUIRKStends to put too much sugar in her coffee, paces and chews her fingernails when nervous, tells awful jokes and uses puns to make her friends laugh
ARCHETYPEthe jester


COLORSforest green, mud brown, oranges, blues, and teals
SOUNDSwolf howling in the distance, water trickling and running over river rocks, distant chanting, gentle birdsong over wind
TASTESwood smoked meat, bitter coffee, fresh river water, and sweet juice from various fruits
SMELLSgrass after the first rain of a season, honeysuckle, wildflowers, appalachian ramps, baked apple and cinnamon
AESTHETICSwhispered voices on the wind speaking in languages long since lost, a surge of terrifying darkness that she can barely contain, ladybugs landing on tips of fingers and nose


Before there were worshippers, there were beings of immense power. Primordial entities that roamed and inhabited the animals and flora of the world. They did not earn the name gods until much later, when the first mortal rose from the ooze that created them through an act of sheer willpower. In the hierarchy, all matter of creature was born not from the Elders and Divines, but from the lesser gods, goddesses, and spirits that gained power through worship. The sun was simply a star in the universe– but through mortal devotion, a nameless spirit began to grow in power and become one of the many gods of the sun. And with this devotion and power in names, beliefs, and will came humans who sought out power for themselves. Magic had long since been a creation, born through sacrifice and gifts, but through this magic infused with the power of sacrificial rituals– Supernatural creatures began to be created, the first of which were the Three Wolves.The first wolf to be born was what became known as the True Alpha, and their bloodline created what are the true werewolves. Though they can bite and spread the lycanthropy, only those descendant from the True Alpha are what are commonly known as pure blooded werewolves. The second wolf to be created was something of a hybrid that could only survive off of human blood and flesh. Though he tried to mimic the Alpha and spread his venom to followers, instead his bite brought forth the first signs of vampirism. The third wolf was created through a failed sacrifice and though its body was corrupted beyond recognition, it still lives to this day, being one of the many monstrosities that roam the lands, giving what's now known as dark magic to those they believe deserves it.In modern day, many of these creatures hide their natures while blending into human society or choose to stay away from it entirely. A sect of a heavily religious wolfpack that Codie Mohren was born into is one of those types to shun society, living off the land and roaming Appalachia with the seasons. Not all pure blooded wolves are religious, and nearly none are as heavy as the Mohren pack. In many other wolf circles, the Mohren pack is known as the Acolytes of Lumaen. The Acolytes have made a name for themselves with their cruel and strict rituals, teachings, and trials. These teachings fall back on the belief that only true werewolves should exist, and all other manner of creatures are abominations, and remain only to be hunted or to kill other wolves that do not share their beliefs.One of these traditions is their coming of age trial. When a member of the pack turns twelve years old, they are released into the wilds and told to survive on their own for a week. If the child does not return, they are presumed dead and unworthy to be a member of the Acolytes as their failure proves that they are not truly a member of the pack or would bring a great schism to their teachings. Many children do not return, and those that do are often scarred and ready to be fully initiated into the inner circles of the Acolytes and given a chance at both priesthood and Alpha status when they're older.As with all other children, Codie was released into the wilds with naught but a kiss on the head from her mother and well-wishes from her older half-brother. Her training prepared her for the survival, but nothing could have warned her, about the atrocities she would see. No one had told her of the true horrors in the wilds of Appalachia. Not only were there all manner of predators to hide from, but creatures she'd never heard tale of, and couldn't describe. Their forms would shift in front of her eyes, but without the sounds that often accompanied the nights of the full moon. Some bodies faded in and out of existence, and as a young child who had trained for this, she wrote it off as dehydration and hunger.One night, unable to sleep due to the cold, she began to see glimpse of pure white eyes and horns that seemed to fade in and out like many of the other creatures she'd seen in the three days prior. Staying as still as she could, and finding some ounce of bravery, she called out to it– Not a warning, not to scare it off, but to ask it to please leave her to survive the rest of her time in the wilds so she might return home to her family. Three heartbeats passed and she heard the lumbering steps approach, a blue-green mist emitting from its maw. Rows of wolf-like teeth lined its mouth, but its body was too-thin, almost emaciated.It was mostly wolf, but somehow something other– with the stag-like antlers and other bone protrusions lining its spine. Though its eyes were fully white, she could somehow sense a fondness behind them. The creature seemed more intelligent than the others she'd run from, and in her fear, she was frozen in place. The cold around them seemed to permeate through her clothing and settle deep within her bones. She shivered under its gaze and waited as it approached. In a foolish act, she held out her hand, like one might reach out to a scared dog.

It does not disappoint and lowers its giant head to sniff at the hand. The movements are slow and deliberate, and Codie watches as the mouth opens, hot saliva dripping onto her arm. It takes a deep breath, longer than any living creature should be able to, then exhales the blue-green mist onto her. The vibrant color fades into a desaturated gray, then into an inky, black smoke. The dark mist envelops her and she dares not move, in case this substance chokes her into death.Instead, she finds she can breathe easier than she has all night and closes her eyes against the comforting warmth that follows. The smoke gets thicker and thicker until she's not breathing it in, but rather it's plopping down and hissing against the cold ground. It covers her completely, a thick sludge of complete and total darkness. It burns. It freezes. She sweats and shivers at the same time, her body unable to understand what is happening to her. Through the sludge, she sees the creature bow its head, rear up on hind legs ( taller than the trees around her ) and walk with a human-like gait back into the forest.

She falls asleep that night and wakes up back in the camp to the smell of a crackling fire and roasting meat– Only she feels heavier, somehow, and her clothing feels as if it catches sometimes when she moves. Curious, she exits the tent and all eyes are on her, whispers and murmurs follow her as she goes to the water to catch a glimpse of her reflection. Her face looks normal, as does most of her body, but when she looks down at her hands, she understands what the rest of her pack seemed to see. Half of her hands were totally black, and scars stained in the same color wrapped around her forearms. Some were like the tattoos she'd seen many others wear. Others were raised scars, as if her body had been ravaged and gone through years of war. The only constant was the ragged style and pure black color.Over the next few weeks, random happenings began to follow Codie around. Her anger led to water boiling over, to fire burning too hot. Sadness and longing led to chilling winds blowing through. During moments of extreme duress, bubbling black tar would pool in her footsteps, or the one that caused the distress would somehow find themselves in an equal amount of physical pain. Her half-brother making fun of her led to him dealing with an excruciating migraine and an endless nosebleed that did not stop until he apologized to her. Not knowing what was happening, Codie tried to pray to Lumaen to give her guidance. During her prayers, her father ordered the guards of the pack to grab her and throw her into their makeshift prison.Confused and hurt, she could not control the outward explosion of magic that rendered the wolves unconscious, but it did no good. She was small, still very much a child. Her father knew exactly what was happening to her and approached her, stating calmly that she had been corrupted by the very thing they had warned about. It would be her existence that would lead to the pack's downfall and cause the schism in their order. Too young to understand the weight of his words, she cried and reached for her father, wanting him to comfort her. He refused to touch her, saying that she was unclean, but they would work tirelessly to cure her of the darkness that was warping and splitting her soul.

The next three years were the most excruciating of her life, not solely because of the physical pain she was forced to endure– but also the emotional scarring of everyone she loved and cared for turning their back on her and shunning her. It was in those moments alone that she began to realize what exactly her pack was and that the Lumaen they followed was nothing more than an ancestor. A lesser god, yes, but the wolf they worshipped held no power over them. It was that realization that broke her more fully than anything. She spent months and months trying to reconcile it in her mind, to make sense of it, even through her broken prayers, and half-whispers begging for mercy. No help came. The only constant was the harsh rule of her father, and the Acolytes breaking her body over and over again, through rituals and ceremonies that were meant to cleanse her. Each time, she only came back stronger, and her control only worsened.The last year of her time with the Acolytes was spent trying to gauge just how far they were willing to take their fear and hatred of something other, and how she could use it against them to escape. In her desperation, she did not pray to Lumaen, but rather to the monstrosity that cursed her with the magic that was tearing at her body. Immediately, she felt an acceptance and a presence, unlike her prayers and outcries to Lumaen. The presence was dark and foreboding, but the fondness she felt when she looked into its eyes comforted the anxiety. In her mind, she heard the whisper of 'tonight', and understood immediately.With the sunset, she prepared to leave the prison that had since become her home. The deafening screech was her cue. Mustering up just enough power to break the doors of her cell, she flattened it and broke her chains with simple willpower. As she left, she saw the same entity that granted her the powers with one of her pack members in its maw. Somehow, her prayer had actually been answered, but she didn't have time to dwell on what exactly that meant for her. So she ran. She ran until her feet were sore and blistered, cut and bleeding against the forest floor.With the training and knowledge that she could make it with her newfound power and patron, she traveled and survived on her own for the next three years. During those three years, she spent her time practicing the magic that is so unnatural to her body. She learned the ins and outs of the consequences and finds her limits, but never stopped pushing at them. Codie also never saw the monstrosity again, and doesn't know exactly what to call it, but she never forgot it. She left offerings to it when she travels, in the form of small little bundles of stick and bone, tied together with weeds. Every time she crafted it, she felt the fond warmth envelop her and knew she was doing something right.During that time in the forest, she worked odd jobs here and there to earn food and pay to be able to keep pushing her survival that much further along. It's only when she's eighteen that she considers settling down and not running for a while. The small town that she frequented near her main living grounds was comfortable enough and many of them already knew her as the odd girl that lived out in the forests. When she expressed interest in a job, she found one easily at one of the local restaurants: a simple meat-and-three type place that tourists would sometimes stop by on their way up further into the mountains. She settled in the apartment above the restaurant for another three years, saving money and continuing to practice– And only leaving town once a month to shift under the light of the full moon.She hides who she really is, though Codie is quite sure many of the locals know the stories about the wolves cursed by the moon. They never ask questions or pressure her. Her magic, however, is her most well-guarded secret. While folklore might tell stories of this wolf or that bloodsucker, she's sure no one has ever heard of a hybrid wolf-stag who implants the ability to do the darkest types of magic deep into one's soul. Hell, Codie was sure that magic of this type never existed before her.One full moon and a close call with her unable to get out of town fast enough before the change began to overtake her body told her that she needed to move again. With her saved money, she leaves the next day, to a city where no one would remember her face if she were to be a bit more odd than the others around her. It's at that city she's able to find an apartment, odd-end jobs, and access to more information about what, exactly, she is and what her patron might be. To keep up appearances for someone her age, she enrolls in a college, and it's there that she finally begins to find the answers she might be looking for.


These aren't necessary for interaction, but more so if you'd like to incorporate it into your writing, create a verse for this world, or make an affiliated oc. Headcanon posts and worldbuilding ideas will be transferred here!


Lesser gods in this world are classified as beings that were infused with power more than mere mortals, but don't have enough power to match with the amount members of the Elder and Divine pantheons. Usually they are created through sacrifices or a god choosing to imbue them for no other reason than their whims. The most prominent lesser gods in Codie's story, however, are the Three Wolves. They were created through sacrifices to the Elders in attempts to create beings to protect the witches who performed the ceremony from humans and their technological advances.The ritual itself was a human sacrifice that backfired on the witches, rather than the humans offered up as a death sacrifice to gain power themselves, they were imbued with a new power that had not been created yet.The first of the Three was Lumaen, The True Alpha, also known as the First Wolf. Lumaen was offered up on the sigil and instead of dying from his wounds, he began to transform into a wolf three times the size of the regular animals. It was soon found out that his bite can spread lycanthropy, but only if he melds his mind with the subject of his bite. There are only a select few of these 'bitten' wolves and their bloodlines are able to procreate and produce what are known as born 'pure blooded' wolves. A safeguard was set into motion by the witches to protect their mistake, binding their wolf forms to the moon. Pure blooded wolves can infect others, but they would not be considered descendants.The second of the Three was Sagni, The Blood Wolf, also known as the Father of Vampirism. Sagni died prematurely as a result of the ritual and the darker magics that the witches used to complete the ritual overtook his body resurrected him. Immediately, his transformation began and he was filled with an insatiable hunger for human blood and flesh. When he tried to create his own wolves, the bite didn't take as lycanthropy, but instead killed and resurrected those he bit. These were the first vampires. The first quickly found out the way to create more of their kind was to force a human to ingest their blood, then completely drain them through feeding and allowing their venom to spread both from the bite wound and mutate with the infection of their blood.The third of the Three was once called Cyrela, The Abomination, but is now nameless. Cyrela was the most cursed of the three, having died during the sacrifice and left to rot by the witches who saw their ceremony as failed. The other two wolves returned to find their friend's body broken and lifeless. Their tears and grief reactivated the sigils that lay beneath her. The energy that crackled to life was a sickly green infused with bright blues, and enveloped the body, mimicking the torture it had just been through. During the contortion, Cyrela's eyes opened, a horrific otherworldly scream ripping from her throat as her body changed and contorted. She shed her human skin in clumps and her bones broken and reformed into a body that was much too large, much too thin, mostly wolf but bones protruding from fur and antlers adorning its head. It breathed a blue-green mist that quickly turned to black sludge and dripped from its jowls. Her human body was gone from that moment forward, and she became one of the few to be able to grant dark magic to mortals.


under construction still.The tenets & beliefs of the Acolytes are as follows:- No one creature is more powerful or more special than pure blooded wolves, and wolves exist to rule all other kind.
- The Schism is an inevitable event where the Acolytes will be split due a corruption in the blood– It will bring about the end of the Acolytes.
- Those who do not fall in line with the teachings of the Higher Priest/ess are subject to punishment, starting with brands to burn away the corruption.


Primordial Gods are the first higher beings, in essence existing before anything ever took its first breath. Examples of Primordial Gods are nature spirits, manifestations of the elements, and those that control time itself.Elders were the first gods born and created themselves through sheer willpower. They're the closest to Eldritch beings, but only in the sense that they're unfathomable. Elders are the oldest gods in existence and most of their power is rooted in some form of darkness, though there are a few that break the mold.Divines are the only gods that were created by mortals and humans through their worship of naturally occurring things. Their worship created consciousness that manifested in the Divine Pantheon.When the Divines were created through human worship, the Primordials needed balance to oppose them. While many think the Elders are the complement to them, they are not. The Infernals were created as a neutral order, though many of them rule over what many call the 'afterlife' and as such that association has warped them over the years. Each Infernal rules over their own afterlife realm.

~~~~ The Elder Pantheon

  • Thyrna, deity of weaponry & vengeance

  • Luens, god of the moon, vagrants, & protection

  • Anirzi, lady of winter, scribes, & bones

  • Ekimyr, ruler of the deep & hidden

  • J'ao, god of illusion, wealth, & wind

  • Va'ehk, the all-seeing

~~~~ The Divine Pantheon

  • Kothar, god of music & renewal

  • Oteia, goddess of sunlight & reason

  • Auros, ruler of storms, fertility, & the hunt

  • Idrunia, god of literature & fate

  • Madryn, goddess of night & self-sacrifice

~~~~ The Infernal Pantheon

  • Toruth, god of courage, destruction, & beauty

  • Livrou, goddess of the arts, thieves, & impulsivity

  • Shi'ong, ruler of grief, poetry, & emptiness

  • Brihka, goddess of divination, rivers, & misfortune

  • Hirsahna, lord of judgement, craft, & individuality


As of right now it only includes the magic types of current affiliated OCs!There are several magic types that exist over the known universe, some of which their creation is known but there are many others that no one knows if they exist, how they exist, or which god brought it into being.DARK MAGIC has to be gifted to a mortal and cannot be taken from a being or sought out in any way. In many ways, those gifted with dark magic are chosen or predetermined, but no one knows for sure. Only an abomination, or lesser god, may grant the gifts of darkness. Dark magic manifests mostly in shadows and being able to peer into other planes of existence. In ancient times, it was often called ELDER MAGIC.ELEMENTAL MAGIC was a sworn secret to four family lineages, two of which were completely wiped out due to human greed and fear. They used witches and users of elemental magic in many of their sacrifices to gain their power or mutation from a god. None of them were successful. The remaining two families have different forms of elemental magic, the first of which was gifted directly to them by a divine so that they may protect themselves. This form of protective elemental magic is not as potent as the second and can only be used for defensive purposes. The second form of elemental magic was gifted to the second family by primordials. Each member of the bloodline is taught to use this magic by going out into each element to accept it and become one with it. If the person shows no fear and accepts the element to touch their soul, there are no consequences. However, if the person shows fear, it will corrupt the process and lead to a lack of control until the person accepts the element fully. Fear is rampant in these rituals and there are few who learn to accept the primordials.HEALING MAGIC is one of the few forms of magic that required no work from a mortal and was solely a gift out of the kindness of Oteia's heart, so that mortals may thrive and help one another. It was no bloodline, legacy, nor does it need to be earned. It's a predetermined notion where Oteia reached out to souls across all time and gave them the gift of light. Those born with this magic often show a predilection for making salves, potions, and the like, and taking care of those around them. However, not all who are born with the healing magic know how to control it or do it well. This divine’s magic is in tune with the soul, meaning some types of healing can often go awry if a person’s soul is not in tact, whole, pure, or other soul-based ailment.NECROMANCY is one of the most ancient forms of magic, and some actually believe it is the first. Before healing and medicine, people would seek to find ways to elongate and prevent life. Breakthroughs before the idea of healing were often otherworldly and rooted in a necromantic nature. The god who allowed this magic to roam the realms is completely unknown. It was no gift to know the magic of the dead, but rather a curse. So often were necromancers shunned and pushed to the side that they became the villains of children’s fairytales, old men with gnarling fingers and crooked teeth bringing the dead to life in armies to snatch misbehaving children and their mothers. Of course, those were just stories and necromancy has evolved past its ancient roots in wars and corruption. Because of the stigma, many with the power to raise and speak to the dead often hide it from those around them.INKWEAVING is a newer form of magic, one of the rare few that was born from necessity of the godwar between divine and elder. Those select few born with the ability to create nothing from ink on skin or paper, were gifted the ability through their lineage. While the ability lay dormant in bloodlines for thousands of years, the power has only recently begun to emerge, as a last ditch effort by Idrunia to imbue more power into mankind.MADNESS or TRICKERY is a curse, rather than a gift. Those who have the 'blessing of madness' were not imbued with power, but instead exposed to the realm of J'ao. Much like Va'ehk, he has created his own world through his will - as have many other elders - and uses the Earth as his own personal playpen. He tricks humans and other creatures into falling into his realm, at which point they are exposed to an abyssal plane of torture, madness, and general violence. The wind howls and drowns out any other sounds - but often sounds more like the screams of the damned. Not only is it an assault on the senses, those who are exposed quickly learn not to trust them, as everything and anything can be an illusion crafted to psychologically torture and tear apart those who arrive. Only those who are able to escape have the power to call on this 'blessing'. This curse also often comes with personal visits from the god himself, who tends to tease and tear their psyche apart more for his own pleasure.DRUIDIC MAGIC wasn't gifted by the gods, but instead a taught magic. It's one of the oldest forms of magic that was learned through the Primordial Gods, in exchange for human service and worship, to help them survive the harsh lands. They were taught how to flourish with farming, raising animals, and the knowledge and magic was passed down from generation to generation. The magic is always ties back to the primordial worship, in that they live an animistic lifestyle. Druids worship the land above all, and in doing so, honor the primordials who gifted them knowledge in ages long past.BLOOD MAGIC refers to the power within bloodlines and the use of blood during sacrifices and rituals to make their magic work. While there's not a specification specialization for these types of magic users, the one through-line is that these families must use blood during their spells, lest their powers not work. Some of these bloodlines can be traced back towards the beginning of life on Auris, and no one is quite sure how they were blessed with the ability to craft and weave spells, though some believe it has to do with Primordial blessing.


As of right now it only includes the creature types of current affiliated OCs!abominations - All abominations are called such due to their corruption by the elders during a ritual of some sort. they often have some sort of power associated with the elder god that corrupted the ritual that they were a part of. Anything from ritual sacrifices to conception rituals and anything in between can be taken hold of and corrupted by an elder.lesser gods - Lesser gods are those imbued with power, either through primordial, divine, elder, or other means. They often have the power to imbue humans with power, much like their higher ranking brethren, but no two lesser gods' beliefs about the gift are the same. Lesser gods can be born, created, or called into being. They can often be children of the Divine Pantheon, either full-blooded, or demigods.sirens - Sirens are known as the protectors of the sea. Non-violent by nature, they keep to themselves, but are fiercely protective of their territories. Only when they or their land is threatened, do they make use of the powers blessed to them by Kothar, divine god of music, to rid themselves of the danger by luring those who trespass or seek to harm them into the depths. Only a few sirens can make themselves look human, and do so only to blend in with society - but must return to the water at least for a period of time to recharge their energy.vampires - info.
werewolves - info.
witches - info.


if a fandom isn't listed here, chances are i may be familiar & just currently have no ideas for hope in that verse. feel free to ask and we can always build something together!


Follows her canon verse, mostly takes place where she's in college and trying to find out what exactly she is and where she goes from there.00 Arc I - Set during her time in the small town, working in the restaurant and living above it.00 Arc II - Set during her time at college. This is where she meets Devon, Jordan, and Murphy, her closest friends and allies.00 Arc III - After the catastrophe that Murphy causes with losing control of her powers, and they're on the run and hiding.


In a TVD/TO based verse, Codie is a werewolf who lives in a nomadic pack in Appalachia. Her pack is heavily religious and worships the creation of wolves and Klaus, The Original Hybrid, to a fault. Codie grew up with stories attributed to his deeds, though her family found ways to twist them into something to hold up on a pedestal. At age twelve, she was forced to trigger her curse by finding a human and luring them to the camp. She was forced to kill them during an inhumane ceremony while her entire pack watched.She does not leave her pack until much later in this verse, only narrowly escaping Klaus' experiments with creating hybrids, for which they volunteered due to their worship of him. When she returns to see if they survived, she finds them all dead as they were not able to complete the transition fully.She never returns to the camps and hides out in Mystic Falls, pretending to be a human.In a LEGACIES based verse, Codie's pack and their fanaticism remains the same, but instead of them being wiped out through Klaus' experiments, they are alive and searching for a way to eradicate the tribrid, Hope Mikaelson, as they believe she's the cause of their eventual Great Schism.


HOGWARTS - Codie was sorted into Gryffindor easily, though she tried to argue with the hat whether or not she felt as if she belonged there– Ultimately giving in and accepting the house, she finds her place easily within the house as a half-blood witch. It's only during her last year at the school that she's bitten by a wolf and tries to control her curse as best she can.POST HOGWARTS - After graduating Hogwarts, Codie goes into hiding, ashamed of what and who she is due to her curse. She tries admitting herself to St. Mungo's thinking they would have some form of cure for her, but finds nothing other than pity and hatred. She dares not return to Hogwarts or to the muggle world, so she lives on her own, afraid of the wolf that lies just beneath the surface.


In a human AU, Codie's trauma resides in being born into a cult compound and narrowly escaping their suicide pact and massacre by running away at the age of fifteen. She bounces around and lives on her own for some time and eventually finds a way to earn money through online sex work ( ie, photos and camming ) and uses that to pay her way through college. During her second year, she sees that her entire cult had been raided and most of her family and friends there were killed either by their own hand or the FBI.


To be added!


To be added!